Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
​     Mark’s gospel makes clear how great is the press of the crowd, with its countless needs to be met, on Jesus and his disciples. Yet in today’s gospel Jesus advises his disciples to get away and rest, to take care of themselves. Sometimes we think that when others are in great need we shouldn’t think of ourselves at all; but Jesus also honors the caregivers’ need. We are sent from Christ’s table to care for others and for ourselves.

FIRST READING: Jeremiah 23: 1-6
     Jeremiah prophesied before the exile in 587 B.C. In this passage, he uses the metaphor of a shepherd to describe the bad kings who have scattered the “flock” of Israel. God promises to gather the flock and to raise up a new king from David’s line to save Israel and Judah.
PSALM: Psalm 23

SECOND READING: Ephesians 2: 11-22
​     The author of this letter is reminding his audience that originally they were not part of God’s chosen people. Through the death of Jesus, however, they are included in God’s household of faith, whose cornerstone in Jesus Christ.

GOSPEL: Mark 6: 30-45, 53-56
​     When Jesus sent his disciples out to teach and heal, they ministered among large numbers of people. Their work was motivated by Christ’s desire to be among those in need.

     SUNDAY DISCUSSIONS BEFORE CHURCH We meet at 9:45 on Sunday mornings to have discussions before the service each week. We are beginning a discussion of the Holy Trinity based upon a paper written by Alex Meister. Be sure to get in on the ground floor.  
     Please keep these people in your prayers: Emilie Harless and baby Braxton, Michael Koch, Margret Phillips' 1-year-old granddaughter Aurora Lander, Wesley and JoAnn Porter, Nicole Biler Robinette, Mike and Donna Toy, and all of those who are still suffering from illness or other health issues, as well as their families. ​
     Please remember all of our shut ins and sick: Arlene Castor. (Also, pray for the families and caretakers of those on the prayer list.)

     Please check the bulletin board behind the office door for all of the sign-up sheets for this year. Communion, birthday Sundays, and Worship Assistants/helpers. Thank you so much!
     You can also remember special occasions or special people by contributing money that would normally be used for altar flowers. Instead the donation goes to our local food pantry.
   Zion has created an Amazon Smile account. If you use this link everytime you shop at Amazon,com, Zion will receive a 0.5 percent donation. Your cost doesn't change ... and Zion gets a rebate! Remember to Bookmark the page so you can get back to Zion's Amazon Smile page everytime you shop at
Zion Lutheran Church
230 Cemetery Road (West Jefferson Community Center) w P.O. Box 4 w 
West Jefferson, OH 43162 w 614-879-8107
Reaching in for the Holy Spirit, reaching up for God's grace, reaching out with Christ's love.
About Us
Zion Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Southern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

We worship every Sunday at 10:30 am in the West Jefferson Community Center. Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday. 
Jerry Gossett
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July 21, 2024
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Zion Lutheran Church  w  P.O. Box 4 w West Jefferson, OH 43162  w  614-879-8107