Zion Lutheran Church
230 Cemetery Road (West Jefferson Community Center) w P.O. Box 4 w 
West Jefferson, OH 43162 w 614-879-8107
Reaching in for the Holy Spirit, reaching up for God's grace, reaching out with Christ's love.
Zion Lutheran Church Covid-19 Response 
Changes for the congregation:
  • Please attend Sunday worship services only if you are feeling well. 
  • All members are asked to take their temperatures prior to leaving their homes. If over 100, we are asking that person to remain safely at home for the safety and health of themselves and others.
  • All members and guests will be required to wear a mask.
  • Masks must be worn throughout the services.
  • Please also bring hand sanitizer for yourself to use as you may come in contact with chairs, bulletins, etc. 
  • Cleaning each week before and after each service will be increased greatly. That includes the restrooms. We ask that the actual “men’s” and “women’s” restrooms are not used. Rather, use the facility on the left across from the men’s room only should the need occur (cleaning is addressed later).
Changes within the Sunday service itself:
  • Both the front and back doors will be propped open to avoid repeated contact with door handles for those in attendance. The sanctuary door will also remain open.
  • Seating within the sanctuary will be different. In accordance with the present social distancing guidelines, we will maintain 6 feet of separation between seats. (Note: Household members who reside in the same home will not be required to be 6 feet apart. But, the household group will be required to be 6 feet from others.)
  • Bulletins used to follow the service and hymns will be placed on each seat prior to the service by the setup team (discussed later). 
  • Our hymns will bring about two changes.
                    * We will still use our masks during the hymns. 
                    * All hymns will be limited to 3 verses each. 
  • Due to the social distancing guidelines, there will not be a worship assistant at the front (with Jon). Volunteer readers will read standing from their seat to avoid any common spacing issues we may encounter. 
  • Preaching by Jon (or alternate when necessary) will be done only in the altar and pulpit area. A mask will not be required for the person presiding given the distance involved. As the service progresses, though, hymns being sung, walking in and out of the sanctuary, etc. the mask must be worn.
  • Alter accoutrements will be minimized to two candles, one small parament on the alter and the processional cross in the back.
  • Sharing of the peace will not be with handshakes and hugs (unless direct family within the same household). As we share the peace, it will be in body language only, bows, nods, smiles (even under a mask we can still smile), along with “God’s peace” or “Peace be with you” only.
  • Communion will be different. We will use pre-packaged wafers and cups (grape juice) to avoid close contact with one another. These cups will either be placed at each chair prior to the service or on the table as you enter the sanctuary by the setup team. They are to be thrown away when leaving. 
  • The offering plate will not be passed around or walked around by Tim. The setup team will instead have the plate on the table as you enter the sanctuary. 
  • After the service, we will not have coffee or any snacks being offered. We do understand that fellowship is still a very important part of worshiping, so there will be tables in the lobby configured in a square that will allow for social conversation while maintaining social distancing (masks still required).
If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail the church at Zion Lutheran Church.
All material at www.zionlutheranwj.org is the property of Zion Lutheran Church in West Jefferson, Ohio, and may not be reproduced without the written consent of Zion Lutheran Church. 
Zion Lutheran Church  w  P.O. Box 4 w West Jefferson, OH 43162  w  614-879-8107
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